2021-07-07 Mobilizer _ Mare’e

Mobilizer موظف تعبئة مجتمعية


POINT was established by a group of humanitarian workers and its headquarter is in Gaziantep, Turkey.
As a non-governmental organization, the co-founders of PONT realized the crucial capacity gaps and needs for the civil society and communities to play a greater role in improving the response to the humanitarian crisis and better contribute to the stabilization of their conflict-affected country.

POINT provides capacity development to the local civil society and communities actors as well as local staff in INGOs. This is in order to strengthen their voice, increase their impact and bring about the development of diverse, inclusive and independent civil society and communities.


حول نقطة

منظمة نقطة هي منظمة رائدة في بناء القدرات والاستشارات والتعبئة المجتمعية، مقرها غازي عنتاب تركيا.
نشجع الأفراد والمجتمعات على اكتشاف وتطوير مهاراتهم، ونزودهم بالأدوات والمهارات اللازمة لخلق فرص جديدة، لخلق أثر إيجابي في المجتمعات وتعميق ثقافة تطوير الذات.
رؤيتنا هي بناء وتطوير القدرات للأفراد والجماعات في المجتمعات المحلية

Number of Employees
عدد الموظفين

TWO اثنان

Deadline For Submission آخر موعد للتقديم

18 July 2021

18 تموز 

Department: Social Cohision & Livelihood
Project Location(s): Mare'e - Syria مارع - سوريا
Education: High school diploma

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